Ayannah launches Earth Hour 2011 Text-to-Donate Service
Manila, Philippines: Ayannah Information Solutions Inc. in cooperation with WWF Philippines launched a Text-to-Donate service for the annual worldwide campaign –Earth Hour: Going Beyond the Hour 2011. The highlight of the event asks households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. This year's event will take place on March 26, 2011 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm.
The Earth HOUR Text-to-Donate service officially launched last February 7th is part of Ayannah’s efforts to make donating more convenient to mobile phone users. The donation service is available on both Smart and Globe networks. Just text EHOUR to 5333 to receive an MMS donation receipt and EHOUR ON to 5333 to receive eco-friendly tips.
Since its global movement began in 2007, WWF Earth Hour continues to recognize the importance of protecting the earth and to make the world’s citizens aware of the damages being done because of climate change as well as to preserve and better care for the planet through this cause. In 2010, the event was supported by over 15 million Filipinos and gained the participation of 1072 cities and municipalities around the country. Earth Hour 2011 has but one simple message and it is all about switching off your lights and going beyond the hour. Earth Hour aims for people to do what they can to make a difference even after the lights have been turned back on.
Text EHOUR send it to 5333 and keep going beyond the hour.