Ayannah Launches Smart Padala Encashment via Sendah Direct
Manila, Philippines, July 27, 2016 – Sendah Direct, Ayannah’s award-winning Software-as- a-Service (SaaS) platform, is adding Smart Padala Encashment to its list of services. Together with e-loading, Panaload, Panalocare, and Smart Padala Acceptance, Smart Padala Encashment promises to increase income for its rapidly growing network of agents and distributors.
According to Sendah Direct Product Manager Bryan Jadina, “For the past years, we have been building our network alongside developing services that prioritize customer convenience above everything else. We started with e-loading, which continues to be a core service, and eventually added domestic remittance.”
He adds, “We know that our partners, most of whom are industry leaders including Tambunting, RD Pawnshop, Pinoy Pera Padala, and Camalig Bank, see the value of Smart Padala Encashment in addressing the pain points associated with sending and receiving money. We believe Smart Padala Encashment via Sendah Direct is a game-changer and we are confident that our distributors and agents, as well as their customers, would feel the same.”
Tambunting will be the first partner to offer Smart Padala Encashment via Sendah Direct. The service will be rolled out to other Sendah Direct partners in the coming days.
About Ayannah:
Ayannah is a leading provider of digital commerce and payment services to migrants and the unbanked at the base of the economic pyramid. We enrich the lives of our customers by allowing them to send and share values over the social and mobile web. Ayannah operates several services that allow convenient online and mobile giving, selling and buying on an award-winning technology platform. Sendah is an online gifting service that lets anyone send a variety of gift items to anywhere in the Philippines. Sendah Direct is our award-winning online retailing service for enterprising individuals and groups who want to resell all kinds of electronic and physical goods and services. Sendah Remit is an online remittance service that allows inter-operable international and domestic remittance transactions across different networks.
For more information, visit www.ayannah.com.
Photo from Smart Padala Facebook Page